By Abdu Labaran Malumfashi.
God’s signs come to us mortal beings, everyday, but we tend to always ignore or forget them as soon as they came. Death visits us all the time, accidents happen all the time, wars take place all the time, etc, but we appear not to learn or take any lessons from them. The resilience of the Palestinians in the face of Western World support of the Israeli unprovoked aggression, is yet another sign from God.
The raging fire in Los Angeles, California, United States of America (USA), is one of the limitless proof that God (Allah) is the most powerful of the powerful, He is the greatest planner of the planners, and above all, He is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and never forgets or sleeps. We human beings would do well to remember that as long as we are alive in this world.
The inferno in the city of Angels (Los Angeles) is also God displaying His displeasure at how humans are deliberately wasting innocent human lives for no reason other than the immoral need to forcefully occupy their land and render them a stateless wandering lot, as the so called powerful Western countries look with a smirk of satisfaction and approval on their faces.
Above all, it is to also telling us that we can disobey His commandments as much as we want, buy draws the limit on direct apostasy. The word ‘direct’ is deliberately used to show that we regularly employ some phrases or do some actions that portray Him as human. But He is ONE, who neither begets nor is He begotten. And He is the Creator of the entire universe.
The Lost Angels inferno started in the same week that the annual Golden Glove Festival took place, during which the hostess of the occasion, Morio Lopez, taunted God, the Creator as having “0 mention to the Cast and Crew’s 11 and 3 for moms. No surprise in this godless city”, in the name of a joke, which the audience thunderously applauded.” And then the next major story about the city is the raging fire.
Even New York, another ‘godless city’, is reportedly burning, with gas storage tanks exploding in rapid succession, destroying billions of dollars worth of buildings and other properties in the city. Los Angeles, New York and Chicago mega cities are believed to surpass the ‘godlessness’ of the so called city of sin, Les Vegas, which has a reputation of legally living living up to every imaginable human and flesh pleasures that the human mind can conceive of.
Some so called intelligent people, who do not believe in the existence of God, go to the ridiculous conclusions that ‘nature’ created everything, including humans and jins, and all around them. But a scientist said it was, in his word, IMPOSSIBLE, arguing that there must be a supernatural being’ behind ALL creations on earth and beyond.
And that belief in that ‘supernatural being’, gives the Palestinians the power and courage to resist the evil occupiers and their perpetual backers, who egg them on to commit the most heinous pogrom of all time.
But despite US’s supposed power and boasting, however, her neighbour Canada’s technological prowess, and the help of many countries, near and far, the Los Angeles inferno continues to burn and raze down whatever stands in its path, except places where He is worshipped or His name and words are mentioned in reverence and respect . To date, structures, homes, properties and businesses worth billions of dollars belonging to people who delight in insulating Him, and the worship of the devil, have been destroyed to prove that nobody is the ultimate controller of ALL affairs but GOD.
The properties of the very rich and powerful, the rich and popular, the averagely rich and popular people, especially the big and the small screens actors were not long after the event, razed down completely by the furious fire, which has so far defied all attempts to bring it under control. It is very immoral and reprehensible to worship the devil, for the sake of acquiring money in the temporary world rather than getting permanent salvation in the permanent hereafter.
Morio Lopez, the host of the event is now tearfully apologising and appealing for forgiveness to one and all for her anti God gaffe, which most people believe were responsible for the raging inferno.
The Haaretz, one of the oldest, but largest newspaper in Israel, recently penned an editorial praising the resilience of the Palestinians in defending their homeland.
According to the editorial, “During the war on Gaza and the resistance’s rockets being fired at us, our loss every three days exceeds 912 million dollars in aircraft sorties, the price of Patriot missiles, and the supply of vehicles.
“With fuel, in addition to the consumption of ammunition and missiles of all kinds, not to mention the disruption of commercial activity, the fall of the stock market, the cessation of most institutions and construction work, complete paralysis in all areas of agriculture, industry and trade, the death of all types of poultry on farms worth tens of millions of dollars, the disruption of some airports and some train lines, and the price of foodstuffs rising as a result panic purchases by those fleeing to shelters, not to mention the destruction of homes, shops, cars and factories by Palestinian resistance missiles.
“We are exposed to a war that we are the ones who started it, kindled its fire, and ignited its fuse, but we are not the ones to manage it, and we are certainly not the ones to end it.
“As for its end, it is not in our interest, especially since the Arab cities in Israel surprised everyone with this massive revolution against us, after we thought they had lost their Palestinian compass. This is a bad omen for the state whose politicians were certain that their calculations were all wrong, and that their policies needed a horizon beyond what they thought about.
“As for the Palestinians, they are truly the owners of the land. Who, other than the owners of the land, would defend it with himself, his property, and his children with such ferocity, pride, and defiance?
“As a Jew, I challenge the entire State of Israel to have this affiliation and this attachment and rootedness to the land our people had actually held on to the land of Palestine, we would not have seen what we saw of the migration of Jews in such huge numbers at the airports as they rushed to emigrate since the beginning of the war after we made the Palestinians taste our woes of killing, imprisonment, siege, and separation, and we drowned them with drugs and invaded their ideas with nonsense that distances them from their religion, such as liberation, atheism, and doubtIslam, corruption, and homosexuality.
“But what is strange about the matter is that one of them is a drug addict, but he rises in defence of his land and the farthest lands, as if he were an old man with a turban, and his voice was neighing: “God is Great.” This is in addition to the fact that they know what awaits them in terms of humiliation, humiliation, and the arrest of some people, and they have never hesitated to go to perform prayers in Al-Aqsa Mosque.
“Ironically, the armies of countries fully equipped did not dare to do what the Palestinian resistance did in a few days after the mask of the invincible Israeli soldier fell and he began to be killed and kidnapped. As long as Tel Aviv has tasted the resistance’s missiles, it is better to abandon our false dream of Greater Israel.
“The Palestinians must have a neighbouring state that is at peace with us and with whom we are at peace. This will only prolong our survival on this land for a few more years. I believe that even after a thousand years, if we are able to continue as a Jewish state for the next ten years, a day must come when we pay the entire bill. The Palestinian will be resurrected again and again, and this time he will come riding his horse, heading towards Tel Aviv”.
While the truth and beauty of Islam is being appreciated by many people worldwide, the world however, watches as the US and her cohorts in international crime, notably the United Kingdom (UK), Germany and France, support Israel with the weapons and the money with which they create their own weapons (helped too by Western technology), to keep on committing Holocaust against the Palestinians, whose land they are being assassinated for, with a view to ACQUIRING it by force.
The realisation of the horror of the Israel Pogrom against the Palestinians, in which even children and women are constantly butchered by the murderous Benjamin Netanyahu regime, has recently caught the attention, imagination and conscience of the world, to the extent that outcries and condemnations have of late been trailing the atrocities.
At the time the Israel regime is engaging in the systematic slaughter of the Palestinians with the open support and approval of the West, a denial of the program committed against the Jews by Adolf Hitler would earn the denier a life sentence in a Western prison or an outright murder ordered by the Zionists regime Israel.
But the belief in the ‘supernatural being’, gives the Palestinians the power to resist the evil occupiers and their perpetual backers, who egg them on to commit the most heinous pogrom of all time.
The overwhelming condemnation, even from some jews, of the atrocities being committed by the Israeli regime is similarly raging in the social media at this very particular moment.
In fact, the distaste has extended to the United Nations (UN), where some of its agencies have openly condemned the deliberate and systematic murder of Palestinians. The Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC) has ordered for the arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu for subsequent trial as WAR CRIMINAL. The development has not gone well with the Israeli regime, whose one time Foreign Minister, Mr. Israel Katz, took the hasty decision of declaring the UN Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres, as persona non grata in the, by now, pariah state of the murderous Israel, ruled by an equally murderous Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister.
The Los Angeles roaring fire, which razed down and destroyed both historic, magnificent and expensive buildings, homes and other structures in many parts of the city, is most appropriately a wake up call to many of the CORRUPT and clueless leaders Nigeria is currently saddled with, to remember that God is very much aware of their only reason for desperately wanting to acquire power, by whatever means possible, including selling their country or REGION to the devil.
The country’s form of democracy is the one that gives ‘everything’ to the winner to do as he pleases, but nothing to the loser, except the crumbs given by the supposed winner, which gives rise to the pervasive corruption in the land at the moment.
May God cause for a positive change in the conduct of the Nigerian leadership, and may He remove for the country those who are strong headed to obey Him and fear meeting Him in the hereafter.
Malumfashi wrote from Katsina.